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HR Tech for People Management in the New Normal:

Through the Looking Glass of Logistic Industry

In 2020, we all went through a tough time struggling with the COVID-19. Adapting to the new way of living, most companies performed different policies such as remote working practice, establishing special arrangements or even downsizing, indicating a reorganization in staffing management. Nonetheless, how diverse could it be when compared to normal practice? How could HR enact the post-pandemic policy smoothly? Let's examine these HR issues in the framework of an emerging industry -- The Logistic and Delivery Service.

The All-Rounded On-Demand Logistic Service

The development of logistic service is moving fast as everyone stays home most of the time. The consumer spending habit has altered, switching from shopping malls to online stores due to the quarantine. We purchased more frequently compared with the Pre-COVID-19 period. These resulted in the expansion of e-commerce and logistic service, which are closely related. The expansion hence increased the employment rate in logistics-related positions. Using HKTVmall as an example, the founder Wong stated that the business would expand continuously as the spending pattern of consumers is irreversible. He looked ahead for the future and planned to increase the headcounts for logistic operations and couriers.

Companies have a favor in hiring more part-time staff over full-time staff as they become more concerned in resources management after the COVID-19. Hiring temporary staff would be a challenge for HR since companies might bear unnecessary legal consequences if there is only one minor oversight. The alteration in HR practices might create several problems if it is not carefully managed.

Comply 418 Ordinance to Manage Part-time Staff Wisely

Aforementioned, employers switch their preference in hiring part-time staff over full-time staff nowadays. However, managing part-time staff could be difficult due to the 418 regulation as HR might not acknowledge whether the wages of the part-time staff is coherent with the 418 requirement. Once the part-time staff has fulfilled the 418 rule, the employment is regarded as continuous employment and entitled to basic benefits and protections under the labor law. To deal with the confusion of the employee’s status, HR could ensure that the payment complies with the Labor Law, nowadays, lots of company chose to rely on HRMS which equipped with the e-attendance and alert function if the planned roster or the actual worked hours almost hit the red line of 418 ordinance.

Tracking the attendance record is another challenge as most employees are remote. Thanks to the latest technology, companies can make use of the mobile phone/ tablet for in/out time collection via QR code or face recognition. What’s more? You could also reconcile their location when they are using the app by GPS technology.

Paperless Roster Planning Without A Doubt

In the past, most companies were using paper, excel or WhatsApp for updating roster. For the fast-growing logistic business, this practice no longer supports the daily operation. Instead, a lot of companies put their roster online, each team shares their own roster plan. One could find out the team roster plan, leave status, time off, Rest Day, or even OT information in one single platform. Now, supervisors can manage their resources better in a short period of time and make the whole process transparent. This increases the efficiency simultaneously.

Enhanced the communication from backend to frontend

Developing a one-stop platform for communication is better for both HR and employees, notwithstanding counting the office staff and the front-end staff. Some big logistics companies may have Intranet for their internal communication, while some startup or middle size companies may depend on third-party portal or employee self-service platform to spread the information widely. Most of these platforms allow news updates, activities enrollment, message box, leave calendar sharing. The communication would not only be one-to-all broadcasting, but also a reciprocal one.

With the lessons learnt in 2020, it is believed that we would keep on improving and transforming ourselves in both business management and people management. Be prepared for the future and help companies to be anticipated within the industry by using the latest and appropriate technologies.



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