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"A smarter move for F&B industry" Seminar 「一站式Smart POS、採購、會計系統」研討會

We were honored to invite the representatives of catering industry to participate “A smarter move for F&B industry” seminar , which was held by FlexSystem Limited and IBM with guest speaker from web-on (Asia) Limited on 13 June at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong. In the seminar, we shared the newest food procurement managmnet system, BI (Business Intelligence) usage in F&B industry and the self-ordering POS system for restaurant.

由FlexSystem及IBM聯合舉辦的「採用自動化科技提升餐飲業競爭力 — 一站式Smart POS、採購、會計系統」研討會在6 月13日於尖沙咀凱悅酒店完滿舉行,我們很榮幸地邀請各方飲食業界的代表出席。演講嘉賓於研討會分享最新的餐飲業採購管理系統、商業智能情報分析及來自web-on (Asia) Limited的演講嘉賓介紹顧客自助落單系統。

Insufficient communication between restaurants and back office, fluctuant supplier price and time-consuming staff training make restaurants headache. Foodival, a food procurement management system, is designed to provide an efficient and transparent platform for shop manager, procurement department, central kitchen and management.

餐廳前線和後勤辦公室溝通不足、供應商價格浮動、前線員工培訓需時等問題,往往令餐飲業頭痛無比。Foodival — 專為餐飲業而設的一站式採購管理系統,提供一個高效率及透明化的平台給店舖經理、採購部、中央廚房及管理層。

Simple and clear interface is easy for restaurant staffs handling to save the training time. Shop managers would monitor the daily operation systematically within a shorter period via various functions, such as sales forecasting, material ordering, goods receiving and daily tasks notification.


The procurement department save cost by centralizing the purchase of same goods, negotiate a good price from suppliers with factual data from Foodival and improves their work efficiency by analyzing the integrated data from procurement and inventory comprehensively.


Central kitchen prepare food delivery based on actual daily cuisine consumption which reduce the wastage and cost. Amount of food and ingredients automated generation and production lines status management also control the central kitchen’s supply accurately.


Meanwhile, management even drill down the cost reports, management analyzing report and supplier price lists to understand the daily cost and profit of every restaurants and shops to enhance the business.


We also shared how XBI consolidate the data after linked with Foodival, POS, HR and account system to provide a precise and neutral analytic. Management would understand the business trend and make the right decision easier.

我們同時展示了XBI 透過連接Foodival、POS、人事及會計系統,整合各項系統數據後,提供一個精準及持平的分析,好讓管理層更容易了解巿場趨勢及作出正確決策。

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